Troubleshooting Your Refrigerator

Summertime means cold beverages and weekend barbecues, but if your refrigerator goes on the fritz, you could find yourself in a bind. Before you panic about your picnic, it may be helpful Refridgerator Repairto understand how to troubleshoot refrigerator issues. Refrigerator repairs can be complicated, so if you can identify your specific refrigerator problems, it may help avoid spoiled food and fun.

My Refrigerator Is Not Running and the Light DOES NOT Work

First, check to see if the unit is plugged in. Pets, vibration, or items falling off the fridge can cause it to become unplugged. Next, check the breaker or fuse box. Make sure your fridge shut-off switch (if it is so equipped) has not accidentally been bumped into the off position. Check the temperature setting. Finally, try plugging something else into the outlet and try plugging the refrigerator into a different outlet. If none of these fixes the problem, it’s time to contact a refrigerator repair professional.

My Refrigerator Is Not Running but the Light DOES Work

Check the temperature setting to be sure it’s correct. Pull the fridge out from the wall, unplug it, and allow it to sit undisturbed for an hour or two. If it works after you plug it back in, your fan or compressor may be overheating. Clean the condenser coils with a vacuum (on the back or underneath), as this may fix the problem. If not, the problem may be the thermostat, fan, defrost system, or a relay. All of these will require the attention of a professional appliance repair service.

My Refrigerator is Running but Not Cold

First, check the temperature control setting. Verify that the fridge has ample room for air circulation around and above the unit. Three inches is the ideal amount of space required for proper air flow above your refrigerator. Check vents and condenser coils for debris and lint. If you have pets, hair can quickly build up. Check the insulating strip around the door for damage, and make sure the door is fully closing and sealing. If none of these seem to be the problem, you may have a leak in the refrigerant line, a bad fan, or a faulty defrost system. Time to call your friendly refrigerator repair company.

You can avoid having problems like these by following some common sense maintenance practices, like keeping your condenser coils clean and routinely vacuuming around and under the fridge. It is also helpful to have an annual professional maintenance service. The repair technician can test critical components to ensure they are operating within the specifications for your refrigerator, check Freon levels, and take care of anything that may need attention. This way, you won’t have to worry about missing out on any summer fun, or losing your food to spoilage.

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